Monday, March 20, 2006


For a lack of anything better to write, I guess I'll make do with writing about other people. Just to get this out of my head, I'll write what I feel about how other people affects me. Hey, this is my blog, I guess I have the right. =)

My first victim would be this one architecture graduate who likes to pry into other people's love life, and the state of their emotional state of being. At one point she even had the gall to ask me while I was enthusiastically working on my masters "E kelan ka mag-aasawa?". I guess we can't all be successful in all the "basic" steps laid down to us by God. Thanks for raining down on my parade, but I guess not everybody is successful in terms of family life. I guess this is one destiny of many a UP student, not having marriage (or love for that matter) as a priority.


I was saddened (and shocked) at the word labeled by one of my friends regarding one of our acquaintances who is not that careful and sensitive in how he talks and comments about the achievements of other people. She called him a bigot. Now that is a word I don't hear everyday. And funny thing is, I had to research the word. And I'm not happy with what I found.


As for me, we plan to have another get together sometime this week. My friend directly said to me, "O Nao i-organize mo na!". Which I replied "Ayoko na mag-organize, nasisisi lagi ang organizer.". It's funny how people assume that I would readily jump up to the responsibility of organizing and calling up people. But these people never reply to text messages, and worst, when schedules get screwed and people fail to attend, the blame is on the organizer. It's a thankless job, and I'm not paid for my text messages.


Ah yes, the complexities of human interaction. Till next time. Love me or hate me. Or maybe I should go back to talking about Architecture.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Miscellaneous Posts

My officemate gave this to me because he knows I am into impersonations and voice overs:

CINEMA ONE is currently (OR WAS...hehehe) in need of competent individuals to fill-in the following posts:

Please send your resume on-line or submit to the address given below.
OTHER JOB VACANCIES (Open to internal & external candidates):
Broadcast Operations Manager
Voice Over
PA/Researchers Writers
*OJT applicants are also needed.

I was thinking of doing something worthwhile for some time now aside from school and work, and I realized that I also have other interests in the past that I can revive. Just like the old teatro days.

After this sem I plan to build up a "Voice over / dubbing" database, doing impersonations and other wacky voice overs. Malay natin di ba? Baka when the time comes puede ko rin i-submit, trip lang. Wanna join?


Also found another new (mejo late na nga lang) interest: Photoshop!!! I recently joined a logo competition for the centennial celebration for the campus. It was fun, I was discovering a knack for graphic design I havent known before. I remember seeing Par's (may he rest in peace) portfolio of graphic works, and it was very good! Ayan, meron na ako pagkakaabalahan sa summer.


At last, I now have the album of Up Dharma Down!!! After seeing two videos, "Maybe" and "Pag-agos", and seeing them live at the Glorietta last Christmas, I just knew I have to follow up on this band. The album is good, well worth my 300 pesos. The musicality is good, the instruments are clear, but I have yet to decipher the lyrics. The album is perfect when you're just sitting around doing nothing.