Tuesday, June 27, 2006


W just started playing tennis again this week. My classmate from SURP invited me to play at the U.P. Tennis Club. So we played early Monday morning, while there are still not that many people at the club. Too bad it rained the night before, so the courts were all wet, so we couldn't run after the balls.

Although the wet court prevents us from rallying longer when the balls stray from our immediate reach, I am glad my forehand is still ok. But my backhand sucks bigtime!!! At first we rallied at the half of the court, then we later on proceeded to rally at the farther end of the court. The strength of our strokes are still ok, and the height of the balls trajectory is satisfactory. Even our services are still acceptable.

Although my hand aches the following day, I am still glad that we got the chance to revive an old interest. And joining the tennis club further delays my thinking of leaving the university. It's one feature of the UP Community that I would indeed love to indulge on.

Tennis anyone?


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