Saturday, August 14, 2004


Howard Roark did not get his major designs immediately.

That's what I keep telling myself. I did not get paid with my last venture as a code abiding, grounded to earth approach as an Architect. Although I did everything by the books, it's seems that the only payment I'll get are the free dinners and the small sum for representation and conceptualization.

The owner decided not to pursue with the "legal" designing and construction of the house, and decided to contact his engineer cousin at the city hall. With all smiles and sincerity we concluded the venture and made promises of contacting each other for future projects. I don't understand rich people.

On another note, the girlfriend is applying for a job in London. That leaves me flat in the face with my decision of not leaving the country. Now questions arise. What do I do for the later half of my very exciting so called 20s life? Do I follow her lead and find work there at the same country she's going to? Do I stay and pursue other courses in life, inside the University? Do I risk everything?

At least with all that's happening now, I'm expanding my horizons. Failed contracts, more contacts. Graduate studies, less time. Girl leaving, me thinking.

I think I have to re-think things through.

One founder of Task Force Arki told me that "...Architecture is man's slow way to China...".

It's raining outside and I can't go home. Oh well, slowly but hopefully surelym, I'll get there.

And another thing, I don't think I'll go bombing failed designs like Roark did.


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